Whale, how shall we commence? If you are looking for the best fish puns, you have found the ideal plaice. Are you the kind who struggles to come up with clever jokes involving fish? The bait has been cast, then.
Look over our site and tell us what you think in the comments section if you can come up with something better! Halibut only use a few of them. Relax as we lasso them.
Fishing Puns One-Liner
That seems a bit fishy to me
Let minnow if you have any suggestions
He really schooled you just then
This is the first time I’m herring about the issue
This isn’t a consensus a-monk the group
Any fin is possible, just don’t trout yourself!
Who will be the sole survivor?
What a load of pollocks!
Holy carp we’re only halfway through the week
You should make him walk the plankton for that
Ahh you’re krilling me!
They always want to mussel in on what everyone else is doing
Never trust unlicensed puns – always check to see if they’re ofishal
They have very sofishticated taste
Keep your friends close and your anemones closer
Carp-e diem!
It looks like we’re piranha roll now!
I see you’ve met my nemo-sis
Cod you pass me the pepper?
Dear Cod, I laughed so hard!
I can feel that in my sole
I’ve haddock with these shenanigans!
The way they handled that is a-trout-cious
I’ll bait that fish can’t swim on for much longer!
This is neither the time nor the plaice to deal with this
Don’t try to gillt trip me I know exactly what you’re doing
What is this aquarium website we’ve all been herring all about?
You betta believe it
Stop being so koi about it
We whaley need to turn this car around
Oh what a load of carp
Well salmon had to say it!
We’re just hoping to avoid turtle disaster at this point
Fishing Jokes Question Answer
What’s the difference between a lawyer and a fish? One is a scum-sucking scavenger; the other is just a fish.
If a fish got the main role in a movie, what would it be called? Starfish.
How does a school of fish keep up to date about sea life? They listen to the current news.
Why did the woman make tons of fish-eye soup? Because it will see her through the week.
Did you hear about the fight in that restaurant? Four fish were battered!
Which fish go to heaven? Angelfish.
Why did the fish get bad grades? Because it was below sea level.
Where do sick fish go? To see a sturgeon.
How do you tuna fish? Adjust their scales.
How do you keep a fish from smelling? Chop of its nose.
Why did the fish blush? Because he saw the boat’s bottom.
Why did the teenage fish get told off in school? Because he was talking on his shell phone.
Why did the little boy not eat his sushi? Because it looked too fishy.
What’s the difference between a lawyer and a fish? One is a scum-sucking scavenger; the other is just a fish.
If a fish got the main role in a movie, what would it be called? Starfish.
How does a school of fish keep up to date about sea life? They listen to the current news.
What’s the laziest fish in the world? A Kipper.
Why did the shopkeeper through the clams out? They were past their shell-by-date.
Why will fish never take responsibility? Because it’s always salmon else’s fault.
Why is it so easy to weigh a fish? Because they have their own scales.
What type of instrument do fish love to play? A bass drum.
Why did the woman make tons of fish-eye soup? Because it will see her through the week.
Why did the fish get detention? Because he was being too shellfish.
What did the fish say to his girlfriend? Your plaice or mine?
What did the fish say to his girlfriend when they split up? I’m outta this plaice!
Did you hear about the illiterate fisherman? He was lost at C.
What does a fish wear to keep warm? A shoal!
Why is a fisherman so stingy? Because his work made him sell-fish.
What did the romantic fisherman want? A gill-friend.
Why are fish so smart? They live in schools.
Why did the fish blush? Because the sea-weed!
Who do fish pray to? Cod Almighty.
Why do fish swim in schools? Because they can’t walk.
What fish travels 100 mph? A motor pike.